‘Our Ocean, Our Hero' includes:

  •  Our Ocean, Our Hero video 

Discover amazing facts about the ocean and how it supports all life on Earth. Students will learn why The Ocean Race cares about the marine world, and why it’s vital we protect it. 


Our Ocean Our Hero


  • Teachers' Lesson Plan

Based on a 60 minute class, this lesson plan will help teachers to introduce children to the vital role the ocean plays in making the planet habitable and slowing down climate change.

  • Worksheets 

There are three worksheets to accompany the 'Our Ocean, Our Hero' film, which include a child-friendly ocean and carbon cycle graphic, reflective learning tasks, colouring sheets and an exercise to support writing and drawing skills.


All resources are available in English, French, Italian, Lithuanian, Portuguese and Spanish. Click on the flags below to download in your language.

This programme is
available in these languages:

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Champions for the Sea