To help you get the most out of our award-winning Champions for the Sea Learning programme, we have created videos to help you deliver the programme.
Discover how our engaging materials for 6-12 year olds can be used to develop ocean literacy and grow understanding of our connection with the ocean, as well as to inspire action to fight plastic pollution.
Our training sessions and resources will help you learn the ropes and build confidence in delivering Champions for the Sea to children, whether it is in school, at home or within your community.
Check out our On Course video series with one of our learning ambassadors, sailor and teacher Annie Lush, who covers the ins and outs of ocean literacy and overviews our Champions for the Sea learning programme for teachers and the general community.
Want to test your ocean literacy? Take this quiz BEFORE and AFTER watching the Ocean Literacy video. Watch it as many times as you’d like, to increase your score!
Ocean Literacy
Using Champions for the Sea in your classroom
Using Champions for the Sea in the community
Remember to sign up to download the Champions for the Sea Learning programme here.