Programme and resources for use with 6-12 year olds

Champions for the Sea is The Ocean Race’s award-winning learning programme, which introduces children to the wonder and excitement of the adrenaline-packed sport and the importance of looking after our incredible blue planet. 

Suitable for 6-12 year olds, the free, engaging resources can be used in school, for at home learning or within the community.

The course takes children on a journey through the history of the Race, exploring the boats, teams and route, before explaining our connection with the ocean and the issue of plastic pollution and how we can tackle it. There is also a module about the wonders of ocean science and the challenges of studying its vast, unexplored depths.

The programme includes:

  • Worksheets (colour-coded for each age groups: 6-8yrs, 8-10yrs & 10-12yrs)
  • Student booklets (for age groups: 6-8yrs & 8-12yrs)
  • Teacher’s Guide with lesson plans and activities along with details of curriculum content
  • Evaluation quiz

The course encompasses geography, history, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths), language and global citizenship. It also features Social and Emotional Learning techniques (SEL) to help encourage and empower children to take positive action for the ocean.

Click on one of the flags below to download the programme in one of the race languages.


This programme is
available in these languages: